Sunday, January 2, 2011

a month? lame. turmeric? rad.

it's been a busy month.  and the next two don't look like they will be any less busy.  so i guess posts will continue to be few and far between for a while longer....

but things are still happening!  take this little experiment, for instance- turmeric dye for fabrics.

here's the process:  (the few web sources i read make it clear that no aluminum should be used but don't say why) boil turmeric in water, about a tablespoon per cup, for 15ish minutes.  split into three smaller baths, add a quarter teaspoon of salt to one and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to another.  give em a stir.  shove in some fabric scraps and poke em around for a while.  then i let them sit for about twenty minutes, pulled them out and gave them a good rinse. 

and the result?