Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i just can't help myself

more bowls:

clockwise from the big one at the bottom (6.5" dia.): plum; sycamore; sycamore; mulberry with charred exterior; sycamore. all are finished with beeswax. colors are milkpaint.

i've been having fun with the milkpaint, mixing slight variations and even playing with layering: the big one has a reddish undercoat that is just visible in some spots where i sanded through the blue coat. the charring was fun too: careful use of the blowtorch not only blackens the wood but also brings out some interesting grain texture. the wax coat seems to lock in any residual soot and keeps the black from transferring to fingertips.

i've also seen a vast improvement in my cutting speed and finished surface quality even since my bowlathon post. this is thanks in part to an intense sharpening session where i reset the cutting angle on my two favorite tools (read: ground them down on the wheel for a good long time) and worked them back up to a not-quite-mirror-but-still-pretty-good finish.  the other part is the use of an old three jaw chuck, but i'll get more into that some other time.

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