Saturday, September 10, 2011

it's been a while

poor ole' ghost town of a blog ain't got any attention since july. but these things happen, i suppose.

in an effort to catch up to current projects, i'm just skipping all the august and early september stuff and moving right on to the present. if i did do posts for that lost time, there would be things about making and canning pear butter, mixing beeswax wood finish, a few new turnings, picking blueberries in washington (and being gifted black & blueberry jam), salt preserving lemons, re-learning how to knit- properly this time, and trying- and failing- at natural dying. i figure i will try a lot of these things again, so i'll just tell you about them later.

as for the future: there are hopes for another canning project this weekend, some gardening and a few new knitting projects. and, if we are really lucky, a new loom.

but we'll just have to wait and see. check back soon!

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