Monday, January 16, 2012

one sock

i bought the yarn and needles and a pattern to knit a pair of socks sometime in the early fall and promptly started to knit.

and then i found out that #2 double pointed needles suck and big ol' hands make for a terrible sock knitting experience.

and then i learned that i had been knitting wrong all this time!

so i re-learned how to knit (i had been putting some weird extra twist in each stitch that was really ruining my cable work on that orange scarf and lead to me restarting that project as well). and then i learned to knit the magic loop (this tutorial looks pretty good, but there are tons of them on google). and then, after christmas, i re-started my sock.

the heel is blue, too.

it was slow going for a while as i worked through the once-knit (and thus all twisted and bad) yarn but things really picked up after that. i also used the countless rows of straight knit stitches to work on my technique. i can now form a stitch with fewer movements of my wrists and without dropping the yarn between stitches. the drawing below is the wrapping method that works best for me although i think i would drop the pinky wrap for a heavier weight yarn. unfortunately, i haven't gotten purls down nearly as well.

i went to art school.

the pattern also expanded my repertoire of stitches as rectangular scarves don't require reductions or the picking up of stitches. (i also got a lot of practice saving dropped stitches with a crochet hook.) huzzah learning experiences!

now all i have to do is make another one, the exact same way.

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