Monday, November 22, 2010

sunday crafternoon

my friend sarah (curator of the lovely and superbarista) hosted her inaugural craft night yesterday and, though we both thought of the word "crafternoon" at about the same time, i posted it on the internet first so i get credit.

despite the presence of a couple of tea drinking sailors, a couple of documentary watching musicians and two to three pretty great room mates, only sarah and i were crafting.  but, i guess like brewing, it was more about the excuse to sit around and talk, get to know some new friends, and maybe come up with a few cat names based on evil dictators (fidel catsrto, benito meowssolini, ghengis kat, meow tse-tung, and cat jong-il, along with the not evil director federico felinei and the actress cindy clawford.)

anyway, the crafting.  i continued work on my green scarf, which is a gift so i'm not going to show you until it's done.  sarah whipped up this quick foxscape embroidery from a doodle i drew some months ago.  another great feature of the crafternoon is that, though i have no desire to embroider and sarah disowned knitting years ago, we can appreciate each other's handiwork as it is in process.  here, something more than the finished product is shared.

afterwords, our old friend matt whipped up a supper of chard and mashed potatoes with sauteed chanterelles.  but his skills in the kitchen deserve their own post, and i suppose that will wait for another day. 

also: if you name a cat after a dictator, you get a prize.

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