Thursday, December 2, 2010

i guess the radishes aren't quite ready yet.

i'm a terrible gardener and i've killed a lot of plants in my time.  i usually work pretty hard at the beginning of a season, fixing up my little garden patches, ripping up weeds and dead things, mixing in some new soil and what have you.  and then time passes.  and i miss a few days of watering.  and since i already missed a few, what harm could a few more do?  and soon enough i have whole patches of zombie plants that want only one thing: revenge.  revenge for my negligence.  and that's when i start actively ignoring the back yard.

but things are going a bit better this season!  first: nature has been helping with the watering, second: i have much lower expectations and third: i planted radishes which, i hear, can be grown by even the worst, most uninvolved gardeners.  i also planted garlic (which seems to be doing alright, though i'm not counting my cloves before they a pulled up in the spring) and carrots and chard (which went in a few weeks after the other things and have yet to do much at all.)

someday, i'd love to be a proficient grower of food.  for now, it is baby steps.  i'll let you know how it goes.

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